Thanks to some incredibly generous donations from many of you – plus the incredibly hard work of our volunteers who hosted yard sales and other fundraising events – The Haiti Fund was able to fund the construction of a new school building for the 350+ elementary age children at the Church of Christ in St. Michel.
On November 21, 2014 several of us were able to attend the official “ribbon cutting” ceremony, and share in the celebration as the children were ushered into their new classrooms for the first time.
A few photos…
All the children, gathered in the church auditorium to greet our team when we arrivedWalking across the street for the ribbon cutting ceremony at the new school buildingThe outside of the new school buildingThe kindergarteners in their new classroom The sixth-graders in their new classroom
21-second video of the children welcoming us to St. Michel – which was really a big thank you to everyone who contributed to this project:
26-second video of JT, Rolin (preacher in St. Michel), and the children singing “Jesus is Lord” at the beginning of the ribbon cutting ceremony: