Evangelism is Alive and Well in St. Michel

Posted Sunday November 08, 2020 by Greg Smith

Evangelism is Alive and Well in St. Michel

You’re probably wondering, “What does a picture of a truck have to do with evangelism?” – let me explain…

Back in September I received a text from Rolin (preacher in St. Michel), saying that he has about 10 churches he’s is working with in that region but he has no car or motorcycle for transportation, and he asked if we could help him buy a vehicle of some kind.

Since we always vet all financial requests through JT, I contacted him to find out if this is something we should try to help Rolin with.  JT’s response was, “Rolin is in the midst of a great ministry with many churches in St. Michel, and already has a challenge dealing with the orphanage kids.  Lack of transportation is a hardship.  I think if we can help him with a certain means of transportation, that would be awesome.”

I asked JT how he would suggest we approach this, and he explained that there are really two needs: 1) for Rolin to be able to visit the churches in the St. Michel area; and 2) for Rolin to be able to transport the orphanage children for things like doctor visits, etc.  JT said that a motorcycle would address #1 but not #2, whereas a pickup truck would address both needs.  JT felt like Rolin could find a suitable pickup for $7k-$8k, and said that if the Haiti Fund could help with this we should also make it clear that this would be a one-time allocation, and that we would not be able to assist with any ongoing costs for repairs or maintenance, so it would be up to Rolin to take good care of whatever vehicle is acquired.

Based on that recommendation from JT, the Haiti Fund Board of Directors committed to providing up to $7500 toward the purchase of a pickup truck to be used for evangelistic and orphanage needs.

Thanks to the generosity of so many of you who believe in the importance of this ministry, we were able to help Rolin purchase the vehicle pictured above to assist with both evangelism and orphan care in St. Michel.