Our Well Drilling Project

Posted Thursday August 15, 2024 by Greg Smith

Our Well Drilling Project

Thanks to the incredible generosity of so many of you, we’ve now been able to raise enough money to complete our well drilling project in the village of Birel!  If there are any additional funds left over, they’ll be held in our Crisis and Disaster Relief Fund to be allocated toward future needs (which are identified, prioritized, and authorized by The Haiti Fund Board of Directors).

The photo above was sent to me by Sonel on August 1 when the drilling began.  The drilling crew hit water at about 120 feet, but not enough volume to support a well long term, so they’ll need to continue drilling deeper.  Their first drill bit broke off and is now being repaired (a familiar scenario – we’ve certainly seen this before!), but Sonel assures me the project WILL be successfully completed (plus, we’ve only given the drilling company half the money owed – they don’t get the other half until there’s a successfully pumping well).

As always…will keep you posted!