Volunteers are still needed to help with flood relief in Eastern Kentucky (about a 4 hour drive from here).
This past Monday morning we started out working at the home of an elderly couple from the Main Street Church of Christ (in Pikeville) who lost everything they own in the recent flooding – their house was completely gutted by the floodwaters, and right now they’re sleeping at the church building.
(Keep in mind – homeowners insurance in the U.S. usually does not cover flood damage.)
I can’t even begin to imagine what it would be like to not only lose your home, but to stand there looking at everything you owned, drug out to the curb in a muddy, sloppy heap to eventually be hauled off as trash… truly heartbreaking.
The volunteers on the crew I was leading came from as far as 9+ hours away, folks of all ages and from all walks of life (I was rather fascinated to learn that one guy, also named Greg, was a retired nuclear physicist).
The needs are great, and volunteers will be needed for some time to come – please consider helping out! For more information, go to the FB page for the Churches of Christ Disaster Response Team, or to www.churchesofchristdrt.org