We aspire to be an impactful force for God, driven by the Holy Spirit to expand God’s Kingdom and to serve His children within the nation of Haiti.
We aspire to be an impactful force for God, driven by the Holy Spirit to expand God’s Kingdom and to serve His children within the nation of Haiti.
1) Encourage and engage others in meaningful short-term Christian mission experiences in Haiti.
2) Encourage and promote evangelism, church growth, and the development of strong Christian leaders in Haiti.
3) Identify and alleviate human suffering by addressing significant, life-threatening humanitarian needs in Haiti not addressed by others.
Faith: We value our faith as Christians and disciples of Jesus in all relationships and actions.
The Gospel: We value the gospel and the great commission, and see the salvation of souls as our highest calling and greatest ambition.
Value and Respect for All People: We value all people as children of God and made in His image. We will treat all individuals – those in Haiti and those who support and participate in the Haiti Fund – in a way that honors and affirms each as God’s unique person that he or she is.
The Power of Personal Example: We value personal example, because we understand that we lead most powerfully by example rather than words, and that our actions must be consistent with our words.
Christ-like Love, and Compassionate Service: We value the example of the selfless love and compassionate service Christ offered to all. We seek to emulate Him by providing the same selfless love and compassionate service to those we serve.
Stewardship: We value thoughtful stewardship, understanding that we honor God when we make wise, careful, prudent use of the resources He provides.
Financial Efficiency: We value our responsibility to make optimal use of all donated funds, and we strive to fulfill our Mission in the most cost efficient manner possible. All Haiti Fund activities in the U.S. are conducted on a volunteer basis; we have no paid employees or facilities, and no donor funds are ever used for marketing, administration, overhead, or any other ancillary expense.
Financial Transparency: We value transparency in all financial matters, and we are committed to doing all things in a manner that is clear and easy to understand. We will be open and will communicate the reasoning for our decisions to donors as completely as possible.
Donor Directed Funding: We value the sacrificial giving of each donor, and are committed to spending the funds they provide as they direct. If circumstances do not allow us to continue to fund a need as directed, we will defer action until the donor has the opportunity to communicate his desire concerning alternative actions.
Accountability to Donors: We value our responsibility to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to our care. We will make decisions concerning projects and the use of donor money only after seeking God’s Will in prayer, meditation, and dialogue with men and women of spiritual strength. We believe we have a responsibility to communicate to donors in a timely and clear manner including an accounting of monies received and monies devoted to each project we pursue.
Safety: We value safety and honor the importance of providing a physically, emotionally, and spiritually safe place in all that we do. We will not do anything that puts any personnel at risk in any way.
Quality: We value doing all things in a quality-conscious manner. By performing tasks and services to the highest standards, we will honor our Savior in all that we do.
Compliance: We value compliance with law, recognizing our Christian responsibility to obey willingly and to comply with all civil and spiritual laws.